
在这里你会发现对于A' That诗人罗伯特·彭斯

对于A' That

有诚实的贫穷会垂下他的头吗?这个懦弱的奴隶,我们从他身边走过,我们敢为他穷。为了一个那个,为了一个那个,我们的辛劳是模糊的,为了一个那个;军衔不过是几尼的印章,-那人是最合适不过了。就算我们在家里吃饭,穿一身灰色的衣服,那又怎么样?给傻瓜他们的丝绸,给无赖他们的酒,——一个人就是一个人,尽管如此。为了一个“那个”和一个“那个”,他们的金箔显示了一个“那个”;诚实的人,虽然救过穷人,但他是天下之王。你看,你的黑鬼像个大人,他趾高气扬,目中无人,——虽然有几百人崇拜他的话,他不过是个傻瓜;为了一个“那个”和一个“那个”,他的绶带、星星和一个“那个”; The man o' independent mind, He looks an' laughs at a' that. A prince can mak' a belted knight A marquis, duke, an' a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might,- Gude faith, he maunna fa' that! For a' that, an' a' that; Their dignities an' a' that, The pith o' sense an' pride o' worth, Are higher ranks than a' that. Then let us pray that come it may,- (As come it will for a' that),- That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth, Shall bear the gree an' a' that. For a' that an' a' that, It's coming yet for a' that,- That man to man, the world o'er, Shall brothers be for a' that!