


你知道,在塔博尔顿,有正经的小伙子,也有正经的姑娘和老爷子;但是,请注意住在本纳尔群岛的罗纳德家的人,他们随身携带着绿树,伙计。他们的父亲是地主,他总是抽不出闲钱来收买他们,老兄;对正经的年轻人来说,他会跟他们碰碰手。有一个他们做不到的,吉恩,我敢保证你见过像她那样漂亮的姑娘,像她那样强壮的人,老兄;但在理智和鉴赏力方面,她会与最优秀的人竞争,以及使人美丽的行为。人的魅力,闪耀得越久,引来的赞美越多,伙计;当桃子和樱桃,玫瑰和百合花,都凋谢了,枯萎了,伙计,如果你是为了珍小姐,就把这棵树当作朋友吧!如果能把她引开的话,布莱克拜的领主会从火里钻过去的。布里黑德的领主一直在赶工,比一两个城镇还快,伙计; The Laird o' the Ford will straught on a board, If he canna get her at a', man. Then Anna comes in, the pride o' her kin, The boast of our bachelors a', man: Sae sonsy and sweet, sae fully complete, She steals our affections awa, man. If I should detail the pick and the wale O' lasses that live here awa, man, The fau't wad be mine if they didna shine The sweetest and best o' them a', man. I lo'e her mysel, but darena weel tell, My poverty keeps me in awe, man; For making o' rhymes, and working at times, Does little or naething at a', man. Yet I wadna choose to let her refuse, Nor hae't in her power to say na, man: For though I be poor, unnoticed, obscure, My stomach's as proud as them a', man. Though I canna ride in weel-booted pride, And flee o'er the hills like a craw, man, I can haud up my head wi' the best o' the breed, Though fluttering ever so braw, man. My coat and my vest, they are Scotch o' the best, O'pairs o' guid breeks I hae twa, man; And stockings and pumps to put on my stumps, And ne'er a wrang steek in them a', man. My sarks they are few, but five o' them new, Twal' hundred, as white as the snaw, man, A ten-shillings hat, a Holland cravat; There are no mony poets sae braw, man. I never had frien's weel stockit in means, To leave me a hundred or twa, man; Nae weel-tocher'd aunts, to wait on their drants, And wish them in hell for it a', man. I never was cannie for hoarding o' money, Or claughtin't together at a', man; I've little to spend, and naething to lend, But deevil a shilling I awe, man.