


在黑暗和寒冷的边缘对一个在树皮中如此年轻的果园说再见让我想起了所有可能发生的伤害一个果园在农场的尽头整个冬天,被一座小山与房子隔开。我不希望它被兔子和老鼠包围,我不希望它被鹿在梦中啃食,我不希望它被松鸡发芽。(如果确定呼唤不是徒劳的,我会把松鸡、兔子和鹿叫到墙边,用棍子当枪把它们赶走。)我不想让它被太阳的热量搅动。(我希望,我们把它建在一个偏北的斜坡上,以确保它不会被破坏。)没有果园会因为最寒冷的风暴而变得更糟;但有一件事要注意,千万不能变暖。“我已经告诉过你多少次了,‘保持冷静,年轻的果园。再见,注意保暖。上面五十比下面五十更可怕。” I have to be gone for a season or so. My business awhile is with different trees, Less carefully nourished, less fruitful than these, And such as is done to their wood with an axe-- Maples and birches and tamaracks. I wish I could promise to lie in the night And think of an orchard's arboreal plight When slowly (and nobody comes with a light) Its heart sinks lower under the sod. But something has to be left to God.