


…就这样,她和她那干巴巴的朋友卫平,在学校里通宵达旦地工作;一切都在风中;你的祷告,你的呼喊,都不能医治,你的早晨,也不能医治。有一位夸夸其谈的妇人站起身来,直等到头发发了,说:“你为什么要把墙再修一遍呢?“看见你用你的双手擦拭着钞票,我想到了一个需求的顶点;让他们来来回回地拍手,让他们遵守利伯利德的法则。”他们的房子没有盖,和学校的学生一起住,从一个地方到另一个地方,又冷又饿,迫使他们成为一个乞丐。就在特洛伊战争的同一时期,克希尔克不得不向特洛伊城的勇士们发起进攻,他们的敌人以惊人的数量击败了希腊的克尼提斯,他们以巨大的胜利和光荣再次向特洛伊城的皇室发起进攻。看到那个公司,他们都带着一个steven; Thay gaif ane cry, and schuik coppis gude speid; Said, "Worthie lordis, for Goddis lufe of hevin, To us lipper part of your almous deid." Than to thair cry nobill Troylus tuik heid, Having pietie, neir by the place can pas Quhair Cresseid sat, not witting quhat scho was. Than upon him scho kest up baith her ene, And with ane blenk it come into his thocht That he sumtime hir face befoir had sene; But scho was in sic plye he knew hir nocht; Yit than hir luik into his mynd it brocht The sweit visage and amorous blenking Of fair Cresseid, sumtyme his awin darling. Na wonder was, suppois in mynd that he Tuik hir figure sa sone, and lo! now quhy! The idole of ane thing in cace may be Sa deip imprentit in the fantasy, That it deludis the wittis outwardly, And sa appeiris in forme and lyke estait Within the mynd, as it was figurait. Ane spark of lufe than till his hart culd spring, And kendlit all his bodie in ane fyre, With hait fevir ane sweit and trimbling Him tuik, quhill he was reddie to expyre; To beir his scheild his breist began to tyre; Within ane quhyle he changit mony hew, And, nevertheles, not ane ane uther knew. For knichtlie pietie and memoriall Of fair Cresseid, ane gyrdill can he tak, Ane purs of gold, and mony gay jowall, And in the skirt of Cresseid doun can swak: Than raid away, and not ane word he spak, Pensive in hart, quhill he come to the toun, And for greit cair oft syis almaist fell doun. The lipper folk to Cresseid than can draw, To se the equall distributioun Of the almous; but quhan the gold they saw, Ilk ane to uther prevelie can roun, And said, "Yone lord hes mair affectioun, How ever it be, unto yone lazarous, Than to us all; we knaw be his almous." "Quhat lord is yone," (quod scho), "have ye na feill, Hes done to us so greit humanitie?" "Yes," (quod a lipper man), "I knaw him weill; Schir Troylus it is, gentill and fre." Quhen Cresseid understude that it was he, Stiffer than steill thair stert ane bitter stound Throwout hir hart, and fell doun to the ground. Quhen scho, ouircome with siching sair and sad, With many cairfull cry and cald "Ochane! Now is my breist with stormie stoundis stad, Wrappit in wo, ane wretch full will of wane:" Than swounit scho oft or scho culd refrane, And ever in hir swouning cryit scho thus: "O, fals Cresseid, and trew knicht Troylus! "Thy lufe, thy lawtie, and thy gentilnes I countit small in my prosperitie; Sa elevait I was in wantones, And clam upon the fickill quheill sa hie; All faith and lufe I promissit to the Was in the self fickill and frivolous: O, fals Cresseid, and trew knicht Troilus! "For lufe of me thow keipt gude continence, Honest and chaist in conversatioun; Of all wemen protectour and defence Thou was, and helpit thair opinioun: My mynd in fleschelie foull affectioun Was inclynit to lustis lecherous: Fy, fals Cresseid! O, trew knicht Troylus! "Lovers, be war, and tak gude heid about Quhome that ye lufe, for quhome ye suffer paine; I lat yow wit, thair is richt few thairout Quhome ye may traist to have trew lufe agane: Preif quhen ye will, your labour is in vaine; Thairfoir, I reid ye tak thame as ye find, For thay ar sad as widdercock in wind, "Becaus I knaw the greit unstabilnes, Brukkil as glas, into my self, I say, Traisting in uther als greit unfaithfulnes, Als unconstant, and als untrew of fay; Thocht sum be trew, I wait richt few are thay; Quha findis treuth, lat him his lady ruse: Nane but my self, as now, I will accuse." Quhen this was said, with paper scho sat doun, And on this maneir maid hir testament: "Heir I beteiche