


合唱。我们还能带来什么比颂歌更甜美的音乐,来歌唱我们的天国之王的诞生?唤醒那声音!唤醒绳子!心、耳、眼和万物都醒醒吧!与此同时,活跃的手指运行部门与歌手。他们从繁盛来到宋朝。声音1:黑暗而沉闷的夜,飞远吧,把荣耀给这一天,它见证了十二月变成了五月。声音2:如果我们可以问原因的话,可以这样说:为什么,为什么这里的一切都像是一年中的春天?声音3:为什么寒冷的冬天的早晨会像长满玉米的田野一样微笑? Or smell, like to a mead new-shorn, Thus, on the sudden? Voice 4: Come and see The cause, why things thus fragrant be: 'Tis He is born, whose quick'ning Birth Gives life and luster, public mirth, To Heaven and the under-Earth. Chorus: We see Him come, and know Him ours, Who, with His Sun-shine, and His Showers, Turns all the patient ground to flowers. Voice 1: The Darling of the World is come, And fit it is, we find a room To welcome Him. Voice 2: The nobler part Of all the house here, is the Heart, Chorus: Which we will give Him; and bequeath This Holly and this Ivy Wreath, To do Him honor; who's our King, And Lord of all this Revelling.