


现在,孩子的奶妈走了,那头统治着这个窝的母狮让妈妈哭了。她过去常常用纱结把猪肉串起来——三个月来,它们就像湿漉漉的烤面包一样挂在我们家八英尺高的木兰树上,还帮助英国麻雀度过了波士顿的冬天。三个月,三个月!理查德现在恢复正常了吗?我女儿兴奋得满脸酒窝,把她的大堤放在浴缸里。我们擦着鼻子,每个人都轻拍着一缕细细的头发——他们告诉我什么都没变。虽然我41岁了,现在还不到40岁,但我收起的那一刻简直是儿戏。十三个星期后,我的孩子仍然会轻拍她的脸颊,让我开始刮胡子。当我们给她穿上天蓝色的灯芯绒衣服时,她变成了一个男孩,把我的剃须刷和毛巾漂浮在马桶里. . . .亲爱的,我不能像北极熊一样在这里闲荡。 Recuperating, I neither spin nor toil. Three stories down below, a choreman tends our coffin's length of soil, and seven horizontal tulips blow. Just twelve months ago, these flowers were pedigreed imported Dutchmen; no no one need distinguish them from weed. Bushed by the late spring snow, they cannot meet another year's snowballing enervation. I keep no rank nor station. Cured, I am frizzled, stale and small.