


我只在周二上课,每天早上穿着刚洗过的睡衣读书,在波士顿“几乎没有激情的马尔伯勒街”占据了一整个房子,就连在后巷垃圾桶里捡垃圾的人也有两个孩子,一辆沙滩车,一个助手,是“一个年轻的共和党人”。我有一个9个月大的女儿,小得可以做我的孙女了。像太阳一样,她穿着火烈鸟婴儿的衣服升起。这是镇静的50年代,而我已经40岁了。我应该后悔我的播种时间吗?我是一名会喷火的天主教指挥官,发表了狂躁的声明,斥责了州政府和总统,然后坐在监狱等候判决,旁边是一个头发上扎着大麻的黑人男孩。一年的时间里,我走在西街监狱的屋顶上,这是一个像我学校足球场一样的小围栏,每天都能看到哈德逊河,穿过乌黑的晾衣绳和褪色的卡其布公寓。散步时,我和阿布拉莫维茨聊起了玄学,他是一个黄黄色的人(“真的是棕褐色的”),是个体重很轻的和平主义者,是个素食主义者,穿绳鞋,喜欢吃落果。他试图让好莱坞皮条客比奥夫和布朗接受他的饮食。他们毛发浓密,肌肉发达,来自郊区,穿着巧克力色的双排扣西装,把他打得遍体鳞伤。 I was so out of things, I'd never heard of the Jehovah's Witnesses. "Are you a C.O.?" I asked a fellow jailbird. "No," he answered, "I'm a J.W." He taught me the "hospital tuck," and pointed out the T-shirted back of Murder Incorporated's Czar Lepke, there piling towels on a rack, or dawdling off to his little segregated cell full of things forbidden to the common man: a portable radio, a dresser, two toy American flags tied together with a ribbon of Easter palm. Flabby, bald, lobotomized, he drifted in a sheepish calm, where no agonizing reappraisal jarred his concentration on the electric chair hanging like an oasis in his air of lost connections....