


昨晚我带进车里的那个男孩,他的身体下垂得可怕,他的嘴唇鲜红,他的眼睛明亮,他那可怜的双手交叉着,冷得像粘土——噢,我整天都在想他。因为那位疲倦的老医生对我说:“他只能活一个钟头左右。他膝盖以下的两条腿都被炸弹炸掉了. . . .所以,孩子,慢慢来,请记住,他不知道。”所以我试着不带罐子开车;就在我发疯似地咒骂着这条路的时候,我听到车里传来一个鬼似的声音:“告诉我,老伙计,我‘抄得’坏了吗?”所以我回答“不”,他说:“我很高兴。”“很高兴,”他说,“因为二十二岁的生活如此精彩,我不愿离开。一个人可以做很多好事,我从一开始就在抗争,也受了很多苦。你知道,现在很难被击倒。” "Forget it," says I; then I drove awhile, And I passed him a cheery word or two; But he didn't answer for many a mile, So just as the hospital hove in view, Says I: "Is there nothing that I can do?" Then he opens his eyes and he smiles at me; And he takes my hand in his trembling hold; "Thank you -- you're far too kind," says he: "I'm awfully comfy -- stay . . . let's see: I fancy my blanket's come unrolled -- My feet, please wrap 'em -- they're cold . . . they're cold."