


我心中有阳光,我的血液在微风中歌唱;山是我的一部分,我是树的伙伴。我挥霍着我的黄金青春,太阳,我放荡不羁;流浪,流浪,直到我死去的那一天。我说,我曾经是石器时代的人,我住在一个凉爽的山洞里;我发誓,在新的生命里,我知道奴隶的烦恼和汗水:因为在我心中,远高于人类所珍视的一切,我对世间卑贱事物的热爱和对自由的渴望。搭起我的帐篷,没有任何计划,随意移动和改变;嘲笑人类的统治,寻求冒险的刺激。要无忧无虑,像鸟儿歌唱;走我自己甜蜜的路; To reck not at all what may befall, But to live and to love each day. To make my body a temple pure Wherein I dwell serene; To care for the things that shall endure, The simple, sweet and clean. To oust out envy and hate and rage, To breathe with no alarm; For Nature shall be my anchorage, And none shall do me harm. To shun all lures that debauch the soul, The orgied rites of the rich; To eat my crust as a rover must With the rough-neck down in the ditch. To trudge by his side whate'er betide; To share his fire at night; To call him friend to the long trail-end, And to read his heart aright. To scorn all strife, and to view all life With the curious eyes of a child; From the plangent sea to the prairie, From the slum to the heart of the Wild. From the red-rimmed star to the speck of sand, From the vast to the greatly small; For I know that the whole for good is planned, And I want to see it all. To see it all, the wide world-way, From the fig-leaf belt to the Pole; With never a one to say me nay, And none to cramp my soul. In belly-pinch I will pay the price, But God! let me be free; For once I know in the long ago, They made a slave of me. In a flannel shirt from earth's clean dirt, Here, pal, is my calloused hand! Oh, I love each day as a rover may, Nor seek to understand. To enjoy is good enough for me; The gipsy of God am I; Then here's a hail to each flaring dawn! And here's a cheer to the night that's gone! And may I go a-roaming on Until the day I die! Then every star shall sing to me Its song of liberty; And every morn shall bring to me Its mandate to be free. In every throbbing vein of me I'll feel the vast Earth-call; O body, heart and brain of me Praise Him who made it all!