


他以第二名的成绩爬上了那一级——相当高的一次攀登,晕眩而危险,然而又是多么崇高!路越走越高;它绕着山蜿蜒而行,峡谷越来越深。他从容不迫地开车,一点也不着急。然后她感到他的手臂搂住了她的腰。她畏缩了:她不太了解他,因为他和她一样是旅馆里的客人。不错,不过是个法国人。在他驾驶的那只手上,他像本尼迪克人一样戴着一个金色的戒指…好吧,她怎么能优雅地拒绝这样一种冲动呢?现在她听见他在她耳边轻声说:“不要害怕。 With one hand I can steer, With one arm hold you . . . Oh what perfect bliss! Darling, please don't refuse me just one kiss. Here, nigh to Heaven, let is us rest awhile . . . Nay, don't resist - give me your lips, your smile . . ." So there in that remote and dizzy place He wrestled with her for a moment's space, Hearing her cry: "Oh please, please let me go! Let me get out . . . You brute, release me! No, no, NO!" . . . In that ravine was found their burnt-out car - Their bodies trapped and crisped into a char.