


伯爵夫人全身赤裸地躺在海边;事实上,她唯一的衣服就是一根“G”字的细绳和一件胸衣,她的洗衣妇很吃惊,她盯着这位女士看了又看——从波涛汹涌的胸脯到像粉色贝壳一样的肚脐。伯爵夫人有三十件长袍,她脱下,扔在地板上;她一天换十次衣服,她的侍女把它们收起来。“真有趣!”洗衣妇想;“我辛苦了一辈子,只为了隐藏我的皮肤,我站在这破衣服里。”伯爵夫人从不劳碌;她小的时候向人讨债,后来,她以古老的方式,在欢乐的度假胜地兜售激情。|But now to noble rank arrived, (Tom wed the old Count she contrived) Her youthful lover, lounging there, Is hirsute as a teddy-bear. The Countess will be honoured when She dies past three-score years and ten. The washer-women will wear out With labour fifty years about . . . Yet as the two look at each other The Countess thinks: "So was my mother; And washer-wife to live and die, But for God's grace so would be I."