


当我怀着愉快的心情来到六十岁零十岁的时候,我要买一艘船,在夏天的大海上扬帆而去;在一个远离人类的小岛上,我将在宁静和赞美中度过上帝赐予我的日子。因为我厌倦了这样无情和徒劳的争斗;在一个遥远而美丽的小岛上,明亮得令人眼花缭乱,我将再次学会狂喜的跳跃和光芒,带着惊奇和喜悦迎接每一个有生命的黎明。我要在那里,在歌唱的泡沫之上,盖一座天鹅白色的房子,有幽静的屋檐,茂盛的玫瑰欢快地攀附在上面;有两排的巴豆,像酒和蜂房,火焰树滴着金色的雨,棕榈树亭子。在那里,我任由风浪对我为所欲为;我必可爱喜乐地居住,直到永远。喝水晶泉里的水,吃树上的果子,像野人一样单纯,像孩子一样粗心。因为我开始认为生活是一个悲惨的故事,我们为赢得的一切都不值得; For fame and fortune in the end are comfortless and stale, And it is best to dream and rest upon a radiant isle. So I'll blot out the bitter years of sufferance and scorn, And I'll forget the fear and fret, the poverty and pain; And in a shy and secret isle I'll be a man newborn, And fashion life to heart's desire, and seek my soul again. For when I come with happy heart to sixty years and ten, I fondly hope the best of life will yet remain to me; And so I'll burn my foolish books and break my futile pen, And seek a tranced and tranquil isle, that dreams eternally. I'll turn my back on all the world, I'll bid my friends adieu; Unto the blink I'll leave behind what gold I have to give; And in a jewelled solitude I'll mould my life anew, And nestling close to Nature's heart, I'll learn at last . . . to live.