


亲爱的女儿对我说:“哦,爸爸,如果你在二十多年前去过墨西哥,那该多有趣啊!”要不是有什么奇思妙想改变了你的计划,我可能就是墨西哥人了。有着优雅的身材和乌黑的头发,而不是肥胖和白皙。“或者,如果你在南海航行,和一个日本人交配,我可能会是一个矮胖的女孩,永远不会卷曲金色的头发,玩弄一把彩扇,在三桅帆船上叮叮作响,也许睡在垫子上——我很高兴我没有那样做。”“当我想到你那充满变化和机遇的青春的浪漫时,我想,我也可以开出一个大胆的塔希提美女,或者已经出生了……”可是——啊,不!我划清界限,还有爱斯基摩人。一想到我可能会变成什么样子,我就吓得要命——感谢上帝!我不是。”我说:“亲爱的,别荒唐了,因为所发生的一切,在你看来似乎都是浮躁的,不可能不是这样的。 For in this casual cosmic biz The world can be but what it is; And nobody can dare deny Part of this world is you and I. Or call it fate or destiny No other issue could there be. Though half the world I've wandered through Cause and effect have linked us two. Aye, all the aeons of the past Conspired to bring us here at last, And all I ever chanced to do Inevitably led to you. To you, to make you what you are, A maiden in a Morris car, IN Harris tweeds, an airedale too, But Anglo-Saxon through and through. And all the good and ill I've done In every land beneath the sun Magnificently led to this - A country cottage and - your kiss."