


街上的灰姑娘穿着破旧的长袍,脚上穿着破旧的拖鞋,使我们整洁的小镇蒙羞;她的灰白头发变得粗糙,雾气模糊了她的目光,在这苦日子的路边卖报纸。灰姑娘曾经是甜美的,美丽的,百合般的美丽,脚上穿着银拖鞋,头发上戴着丝带;坚实的男人向她求婚,她像王子一样生活在仙境,等待着王子。日子过去了,岁月过去了,她是那么惆怅;不理会母亲的叹息,爱人的恳求;在她的唇上唱着欢快的颂歌,在她的心中有一个梦——不久,王子就会来到她的路上,英勇而灿烂。后来她终于明白了真相,她的希望是多么的渺茫;她的美貌和青春一去不复返,留下的是匮乏和痛苦。看! she's waiting all alone; Hark! you hear her cry Papers by the cold curb-stone, Begging you to buy. Winter winds are waxing chill, Clouds rack overhead; Cinderella will be ill, Bye and bye be dead. Yet she kept her vision clear, To Romance was true, Holding him forever dear Whom she never knew. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cinderellas of to-day Take no chance of loss; When a good guy comes your way, Nail him to the cross. Let some ordinary cuss Your coy heart convince; Never miss the nuptial bus Waiting for a Prince.