


我喝足了泡沫啤酒,我唱歌,我讲故事,我拉小提琴;我的喉咙长期干涩,但我是个学者,生活是我的谜。在看!我举起手臂喝——你以为这是一种自愿的行为(不,先生,你在咧嘴笑)>你错了:我喝干的这杯啤酒是自古以来就注定的。但是呆!是我错了,因为时间没有诞生;它一直是,它将永远是;虽然我的行为显得微不足道,但它的影响将永世长存。它会影响后世,但它最迫切的后果,你不会否认,先生,是它应该被重新填满以刺激我的哲学头脑,如果你愿意买的话,先生。没有大小之分;命运织成一幅挂毯,每一针都是需要的… The gods be praised! that barman chap Manipulates his frothing tap - My plea is heeded. Two foaming tankards over-spill, And soon, ah! not too soon, they will Our thirst be slaking. Stout lad! he does not dream that he A page of history maybe Is blandly making. For Sir, it was ordained that you Buy me a drink (or maybe two) Since ages hoary; And doubtless it is predestined our meeting shall affect in kind Earth's Cosmic Story. The fathomless, eternal Past, The Future infinitely vast, We two are linking; So let us fitly celebrate This moment of immortal Fate In drinking, drinking. But though I toss a hearty pot, Kind stranger, do not think I'm not For Truth a groper . . . Another? Thanks, I won't refuse, I am a tippler, if you choose, But not a toper. A nice distinction! . . . Well, life's good; Just give me beer, rich greasy food, And let me fiddle; Enough of dull philosophy; To-night we'll merry, merry be . . . Hi-diddle-diddle.