


因为我有一万镑财产,我只好坐卧不宁,把我的生活留给别人去挣。因为在某种繁殖方式上,这还不是很清楚,他们说,一万英镑每年可以繁殖500只。所以,既然我对经济上的纷争怀有一种健康的憎恨,我就打算远离它,保持我生活的平衡。然而,我同情地看着这个肮脏的苦役之子,衷心地祝贺土地的耕种者。我喜欢矿上的矿工,大海上的水手,因为他们能航行到五百磅重的地方,为我采矿。对我来说,他们的劳碌是按每年百分之五的圣规纳税的。所以去弄到一万英镑吧,我的朋友,尽你所能。把你们未来的福利留给高贵的工人。他会给你买哈里斯的花呢衣服、一辆哈雷摩托车和一辆汽车;你的高尔夫球杆,你的晨报,你的威士忌和雪茄。 He'll cosily install you in a cottage by a stream, With every modern comfort, and a garden that's a dream> Or if your tastes be urban, he'll provide you with a flat, Secluded from the clamour of the proletariat. With pictures, music, easy chairs, a table of good cheer, A chap can manage nicely on five hundred pounds a year. And though around you painful signs of industry you view, Why should you work when you can make your money work for you? So I'll get down upon my knees and bless the Working Man, Who offers me a life of ease through all my mortal span; Whose loins are lean to make me fat, who slaves to keep me free, Who dies before his prime to let me round the century; Whose wife and children toil in urn until their strength is spent, That I may live in idleness upon my five-per-cent. And if at times they curse me, why should I feel any blame? For in my place I know that they would do the very same. Aye, though hey hoist a flag that's red on Sunday afternoon, Just offer them ten thousand pounds and see them change their tune. So I'll enjoy my dividends and live my life with zest, And bless the mighty men who first - invented Interest.