


哦,我生来就是一个爱抒情诗的孩子(最后一个词很无聊——它唯一的押韵是星盘,“我忽略了它的意思。”)我从小就口齿不清,甚至在睡梦中也唱着童谣。马说:“我知道他会成为一个诗人。”爸爸说:“让我们看看他如何长大。”唉!我是一个梦想家,一个无聊的人,在匮乏和痛苦中坚持着,他的痛苦在作诗。是的,我注定是一个失败者(老勃朗宁的押韵与“苍白的诱惑”结尾处):即使在阴沟里挨饿,我也要说出我的macaronics。然后我塞进一本可怜的廉价的书里,把我那被诅咒的人的哀歌,我那失落的人的抒情诗扔到公众的嘴里。让吹毛求疵的评论家们尽情地嘲笑我的《落魄者的小曲》吧——“好了,”我说,“我的爱人,我的软弱,我的诅咒,我的诗已经写完了。”然后瞧! (As I would fain believe, Before they crown, the fates would shame us) I went to sleep one bitter eve, And woke to find that I was famous. . . . And so the sunny sequels were a Gay villa on the Riviera, A bank account, a limousine, a Life patterned dolce e divina. Oh, yes, my lyric flight is flighty; My muse is much more mite than mighty: But poetry has been my friend, And rhyming's saved me in the end.