


今年我去了一次海洋旅行,因为我是苏格兰人,我想让我的钱花得物有所值,所以我从来没有错过一顿饭。尽管尼普顿很讨厌,我还是吃了很多,但我觉得身体很健康,好像我们是平稳地航行的。但现在我又回到了家,我感到一阵厌恶;我不想透露我增了多少脂肪:好吧,不管怎样,我的意思是让我的肚子降下来或丰满起来,所以这是我在突出部战役中的甜蜜扫射。香肠、熏肉、鸡蛋不再是我早餐的食物;午餐我绝不会吃龙虾,配上一堆蛋黄酱。喝茶的时候,我会尽量不吃巧克力做成的饮料;烤鸭肉和烤豆不会使我的人生圆满。不再有夜间冰箱突袭,午夜吃意大利面;我发誓我不会沉迷于一块一块一块的鹅肝酱:让麸皮和松软干酪满足我的美食需求,让生菜成为我在突出部战役中的盟友。 To hell with you, ignoble paunch, abhorrent in my sight! I gaze at your rotundity, and savage is my frown. I'll rub you and I'll scrub you and I'll drub you day and night, But by the gods of symmetry I swear I'll get you down. Your smooth and smug convexity, by heck! I will subdue, And when you tucker in again with joy will I refulge; No longer of my toes will you obstruct my downward view . . . With might and main I'll fight to gain the Battle of the Bulge.