


在没有月亮的薄雾的夜晚,我点着我的小烟斗,坐在营火的余辉中;哦,寒露落在昏暗的、鹿出没的小山上,海湾里的海浪凄厉地呻吟着。辛苦的时光过去了,孩子们早已睡下,我独自一人疲惫地守夜;在黑暗阴沉的天空中,我能听到夜鹰的叫声,还有小溪里青蛙疯狂的合唱。不知怎的,余烬的光辉把我带回了很久以前,那些欢乐的笑声和轻快的歌声的日子;当我和最快活的人在时尚节日的人群的眩晕的旋涡中消磨时光。哦,我参加了一场烧烤比赛,我毫不放慢脚步,因为青春的欲望在我的血液中奔涌;但最后,我在这片被上帝遗弃的土地上站了起来,这里有松树、高山和洪水。而现在我不得不留下,带着透支的债,为了过去的快乐和未来的痛苦;我也不是那种会发牢骚的人,因为如果我还有机会的话,我知道我会选择重新过以前的生活。 With its woman's eyes a-shine, and its flood of golden wine; Its fever and its frolic and its fun; The old life with its din, its laughter and its sin -- And chuck me in the gutter when it's done. Ah, well! it's past and gone, and the memory is wan, That conjures up each old familiar face; And here by fortune hurled, I am dead to all the world, And I've learned to lose my pride and keep my place. My ways are hard and rough, and my arms are strong and tough, And I hew the dizzy pine till darkness falls; And sometimes I take a dive, just to keep my heart alive, Among the gay saloons and dancing halls. In the distant, dinful town just a little drink to drown The cares that crowd and canker in my brain; Just a little joy to still set my pulses all a-thrill, Then back to brutish labour once again. And things will go on so until one day I shall know That Death has got me cinched beyond a doubt; Then I'll crawl away from sight, and morosely in the night My weary, wasted life will peter out. Then the boys will gather round, and they'll launch me in the ground, And pile the stones the timber wolf to foil; And the moaning pine will wave overhead a nameless grave, Where the black snake in the sunshine loves to coil. And they'll leave me there alone, and perhaps with softened tone Speak of me sometimes in the camp-fire's glow, As a played-out, broken chum, who has gone to Kingdom Come, And who went the pace in England long ago.