


我看见三个人站在吧台旁,看着他们的酒瓶,一只青蛙抽着一支他们塞进烟门里的劣质雪茄。一只帕夏蛙,它一定是那么大,那么臃肿;烟碱从它的唇边飘过,像一束优雅的花。当三个人嘲笑和开玩笑的时候,好像它很享受,它无动于衷地抽着烟,(现在它完全可以避免抽烟了)。它的嘴唇附近有一圈火,但它似乎完全不知情;它不能像你我一样,随地吐痰,我们已经学会了随地吐痰的艺术。它不眨眼,也不退缩,静静地蹲在那里,它的眼睛是清澈的,它不害怕上帝分配给它的命运。在他们残酷的厮杀中,它安详而崇高地蹲在那里;像神一样庄严,一直都知道自己快死了。不知怎的,在我看来,这些吐痰的人,远不如他,他们所引诱的那个蠢东西。 It seemed to say, despite their jokes: "This is my hour of glory. It isn't every frog that smokes: My name will live in story." Before its nose the smoke arose; The flame grew nigher, nigher; And then I saw its bright eyes close Beside that ring of fire. They turned it on its warty back, From off its bloated belly; It legs jerked out, then dangled slack; It quivered like a jelly. And then the fellows went away, Contented with their joking; But even as in death it lay, The frog continued smoking. Life's like a lighted fag, thought I; We smoke it stale; then after Death turns our belly to the sky: The Gods must have their laughter.