


(他说)。散步,散步,哦,散步的乐趣!昂首阔步地走在黄褐色的小路上;跨过青翠的小山,穿过石南丛,嗖嗖地穿过棕色树叶堆积的林地;惊叹于所有的事物——风车欢快地转动着,供苹果酒压榨的苹果,红宝石色和金色;兔子的尾巴闪烁着,鲜红的浆果燃烧着,一群鹅在清冷的天空中高飞,小窗户里的光,田野和犁沟都暗了下来;回家了,饿得像只鹰;在花园里吹着口哨,红润的脸颊,闪闪发光,哦,但我走着走着,走着,走着是快乐的!(她说)。散步,散步,哦,散步的诅咒! Slouching round the grim square, shuffling up the street, Slinking down the by-way, all my graces hawking, Offering my body to each man I meet. Peering in the gin-shop where the lads are drinking, Trying to look gay-like, crazy with the blues; Halting in a doorway, shuddering and shrinking (Oh, my draggled feather and my thin, wet shoes). Here's a drunken drover: "Hullo, there, old dearie!" No, he only curses, can't be got to talk. . . . On and on till daylight, famished, wet and weary, God in Heaven help me as I walk, walk, walk!