


我站在一家糖果店前,店里闪烁着圣诞的光辉;我看见父母经过,停下来对我咧嘴一笑,然后继续往前走。糖果堆成一排排闪闪发光;我尽情享受每一场比赛——多么精彩的比赛啊!用扁鼻子贴着玻璃,唾沫一上来就咽下去;于是我静静地站着,凝视着,梦想着,用我的眼睛品尝着甜蜜,吞食着美味,直到我的糖果店仿佛是天堂。我想,我只有五岁,虽然已经过去了八十岁,我仍然记得那刺骨的寒冷,那肮脏的街道,那沙砾般的狂风;我凝视着那间商店,它的礼物近而远,有杏仁糖和太妃糖,有巧克力和核桃棒;想象一下,在如此丰富而稀有的欢乐中,我会买些什么……杯子里满是我的叹息:“要是爸爸能省下一分钱就好了!” And then when I went home to tea Of bread and butter sparsely spread, Oh, how my parents twitted me: "You stood for full an hour," they said. "We saw you as we passed again; Your eyes upon the sweets were glued; Your nose was flattened to the pane, Like someone hypnotized you stood." But when they laughed as at a joke, A bitterness I could not stem Within my little heart awoke. . . . Oh, I have long forgiven them; For though I know they did no own Pennies to spare, they might, it seems More understanding love have shown More sympathy for those vain dreams, Which make of me with wistful gaze God's Window Shopper all days.