


当我把它看得太仔细,当我把它当作元素来穿戴,把它当作水来闻时,生活就变得不那么可爱了,那张网比皮肤更近了,有点麻烦了,有点可怕了。刚才我发誓不寻求庇护,既不寻求死亡,也不寻求有围墙的花园,既不寻求谎言,也不寻求忠诚,更不寻求轻蔑的大门,它们很容易把世界锁在门外。在这里的岩石上,它是伟大而美丽的;在这里,在泡沫浸湿的花岗岩海牙上,很容易赞美生命、水和闪闪发光的石头:但是,人们的牛群是谁的牲口,我们应该爱他们?如果他们是你的,那么你可能会在未来的牛群中获得养牛人的喜悦。不是你的。在权力终结之前,让爱在变成嫉妒。把执政的乐趣留给凯撒吧。当世界衰微,当世界上勇敢的灵魂在肉体上衰朽时,诞生了一个头脑开阔,视野开阔,足够盲目,对爱情宽容的人。这是我闻到的腐烂的气息;来自世界的等待,在风暴之间停滞不前,有点腐烂,非常害怕受到伤害,但知道它不能把救世主凯撒从血泊中拉出来。 The apes of Christ lift up their hands to praise love: but wisdom without love is the present savior, Power without hatred, mind like a many-bladed machine subduing the world with deep indifference. The apes of Christ itch for a sickness they have never known; words and the little envies will hardly Measure against that blinding fire behind the tragic eyes they have never dared to confront. II Point Lobos lies over the hollowed water like a humped whale swimming to shoal; Point Lobos Was wounded with that fire; the hills at Point Sur endured it; the palace at Thebes; the hill Calvary. Out of incestuous love power and then ruin. A man forcing the imaginations of men, Possessing with love and power the people: a man defiling his own household with impious desire. King Oedipus reeling blinded from the palace doorway, red tears pouring from the torn pits Under the forehead; and the young Jew writhing on the domed hill in the earthquake, against the eclipse Frightfully uplifted for having turned inward to love the people: -that root was so sweet O dreadful agonist? - I saw the same pierced feet, that walked in the same crime to its expiation; I heard the same cry. A bad mountain to build your world on. Am I another keeper of the people, that on my own shore, On the gray rock, by the grooved mass of the ocean, the sicknesses I left behind me concern me? Here where the surf has come incredible ways out of the splendid west, over the deeps Light nor life sounds forever; here where enormous sundowns flower and burn through color to quietness; Then the ecstasy of the stars is present? As for the people, I have found my rock, let them find theirs. Let them lie down at Caesar's feet and be saved; and he in his time reap their daggers of gratitude. III Yet I am the one made pledges against the refuge contempt, that easily locks the world out of doors. This people as much as the sea-granite is part of the God from whom I desire not to be fugitive. I see them: they are always crying. The shored Pacific makes perpetual music, and the stone mountains Their music of silence, the stars blow long pipings of light: the people are always crying in their hearts. One need not pity; certainly one must not love. But who has seen peace, if he should tell them where peace Lives in the world...they would be powerless to understand; and he is not willing to be reinvolved. IV How should one caught in the stone of his own person dare tell the people anything but relative to that? But if a man could hold in his mind all the conditions at once, of man and woman, of civilized And barbarous, of sick and well, of happy and under torture, of living and dead, of human and not Human, and dimly all the human future: -what should persuade him to speak? And what could his words change? The mountain ahead of the world is not forming but fixed. But the man's words would be fixed also, Part of that mountain, under equal compulsion; under the same present compulsion in the iron consistency. And nobody sees good or evil but out of a brain a hundred centuries quieted, some desert Prophet's, a man humped like a camel, gone mad between the mud- walled village and the mountain sepulchres. V Broad wagons before sunrise bring food into the city from the open farms, and the people are fed. They import and they consume reality. Before sunrise a hawk in th