Roderic Quinn

Here you will find thePoemOn The Barrierof poet Roderic Quinn

On The Barrier

ON the Barrier Ranges, Grim, and grey and old, Spring, the Maid of Wonder, Spreads her cloth-of-gold; Every hill and hollow Carpeting with flowers ? O for feet to follow Through the shining hours! Once I saw the damsel ? Watched her at her task, Basking in her glamour As the lizards bask: And, if I remember Aught of gleam and glow, 'Tis that sweet September Twenty years ago. Twenty golden springtides ? Much ? and yet how slight Measured with that region, Hollow-land and height; Biding through Earth's changes, Steadfast to its shocks, Oldest of the Ranges, Ancientest of Rocks! If with sweet recurrence Youth renews the Earth, Shall there come no glory ? Light and song and mirth ? Unto us who ponder Much on banished joys? Spring, thou Maid of Wonder. Make us girls and boys!