

  • 时间1829 - 1879
  • 的地方
  • 国家加拿大


罗珊娜·埃莉诺·麻风病既是诗人又是小说家。罗珊娜·穆林斯于1829年出生于蒙特利尔,在巴黎圣母院的修道院接受教育。1851年,她嫁给了让-吕西安·麻风医生。在返回蒙特利尔之前,他们在黎塞留河畔的圣查尔斯住了几年。他们生了13个孩子,其中只有8个活了下来。麻风夫人于1879年9月20日在蒙特利尔去世。十几岁时,在修女们的鼓励下,罗珊娜开始在《文学花环》上发表诗歌和故事。188金宝搏bet服务中心她的第一部小说《艾达·贝雷斯福德》于1848年分九期出版。1859年至1860年,她的第二部小说《维尔莱庄园》问世。《法国统治下的加拿大故事》由《蒙特利尔家庭先驱报》分期出版。 'Antoinette de Mirecourt' or, 'Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing', and 'Armand Durand' or, 'A Promise Fulfilled' were published by Lovell in 1864 and 1868 respectively. 'Ada Dunmore' appeared in installments in the Canadian Illustrated News in 1869-70. In 1881, after her death, 'The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon' was edited by the poet John Reade and published by Lovell. John Reade concluded that "Mrs. Leprohon was much more than either a poet or a novelist - she was also, in the highest sense, a woman, a lady".