


献给孟买这座城市,这些城市充满了骄傲,彼此挑战——这个来自她的山腰,那个来自她荒芜的海滩。他们数着他们的船满载着——他们的玉米、油和酒,德里克、织布机和包,还有拉帕特那布满炮痕的绳索;他们一个城市接一个城市地欢呼:“有什么可以和我的相媲美的吗?”他们把城里的人赶来赶去,却紧紧抓住城边,就像孩子紧紧抓住母亲的衣襟一样。当他们与陌生的乐队交谈时,茫然而又孤独;当他们行在陌生的地方,经过不认识的喧闹街道;祝福她,因为她比他们更有力量。她的名声巍然屹立在远方,她发誓要支持她,最忠诚,最愚蠢;把她的名字变成了他们的羁绊。)因此,我感谢上帝,我的出生没有落在荒岛上——荒芜的海角,或未经过考验的交战部落——而是她赋予我价值,赋予我骄傲的权利。 Surely in toil or fray Under an alien sky, Comfort it is to say: "Of no mean city am I!" (Neither by service nor fee Come I to mine estate -- Mother of Cities to me, For I was born in her gate, Between the palms and the sea, Where the world-end steamers wait.) Now for this debt I owe, And for her far-borne cheer Must I make haste and go With tribute to her pier. And she shall touch and remit After the use of kings (Orderly, ancient, fit) My deep-sea plunderings, And purchase in all lands. And this we do for a sign Her power is over mine, And mine I hold at her hands!