


我们现在有了另一个总督——那些日子已经一去不复返了——黛丽拉·阿伯里斯威斯和堕落的尤利西斯·甘尼。黛丽拉·阿伯里斯威斯是一位女士——不太年轻——穿着考究,舌头咬得很紧,渴望得到信息,更渴望得到赞美,在史前时代的西姆拉有一所小房子。由于嫁给了一位有权势的绅士,黛利拉对当时的流言蜚语是耳熟的。还有许多半官方的小秘密,都悄悄告诉了黛利拉,她全都记在心里。她对一个叫尤利西斯·甘尼的人大加赞赏,而这个人挣钱的方式既低下又可耻。他为某些报纸写文章,众所周知,这比在商店里当服务员或吓跑乌鸦还糟糕。他首先称赞她是“女王般的美丽”;后来,他又用毫不吝啬的赞美暗示“她的智慧博大”。他和她一起去骑马,他对她的爱是如此之深,以至于他把所有的马都借给了她,而她却把马弄得很难看。有一天,他们编造了一个很好的财务秘密; It related to Appointments, to a Man and a Report. 'Twas almost wortth the keeping, -- only seven people knew it -- And Gunne rose up to seek the truth and patiently ensue it. It was a Viceroy's Secret, but -- perhaps the wine was red -- Perhaps an Aged Concillor had lost his aged head -- Perhaps Delilah's eyes were bright -- Delilah's whispers sweet -- The Aged Member told her what 'twere treason to repeat. Ulysses went a-riding, and they talked of love and flowers; Ulysses went a-calling, and he called for several hours; Ulysses went a-waltzing, and Delilah helped him dance -- Ulysses let the waltzes go, and waited for his chance. The summer sun was setting, and the summer air was still, The couple went a-walking in the shade of Summer Hill. The wasteful sunset faded out in turkis-green and gold, Ulysses pleaded softly, and . . . that bad Delilah told! Next morn, a startled Empire learnt the all-important news; Next week, the Aged Councillor was shaking in his shoes. Next month, I met Delilah and she did not show the least Hesitation in affirming that Ulysses was a "beast." * * * * * We have another Viceroy now, those days are dead and done -- Off, Delilah Aberyswith and most mean Ulysses Gunne!