


我曾听说,有一个王子,个子矮小,相貌卑贱,他的兄弟们都高大英俊。有一次,他看到父亲用厌恶和轻蔑的目光望着他,但他精明而敏锐地猜出了其中的含义,说:“父亲啊,聪明的小个子总比无知的高个好,身材越大,价格也就越高。羊是好吃的,大象是腐肉。”地球上最小的山是朱尔山;然而,与真主在尊严和地位上是伟大的。你没有听说过吗?有一天,一个瘦削的学者对一个肥胖的傻瓜说:“尽管一匹阿拉伯马可能很弱,但它比一马厩的驴更有价值。”父亲嘲笑了这个玩笑,国家的栋梁之才同意了,但兄弟们却感到很委屈。当一个人一言不发时,他的缺点和美德都被掩盖了。不要以为每一片沙漠都是空的。里面可能有一只沉睡的老虎。我听说那次国王受到了强大敌人的威胁,当两支军队即将相遇时,第一个进入战场的是那个小家伙,他说:“我不是你在战场上看到的那个人,而是你将在尘土和鲜血中看到的那个人。” Who himself fights, stakes his own life In battle but he who flees, the blood of his army.' After uttering these words he rushed among the troops of the enemy, slew several warriors and, returning to his father, made humble obeisance and said: 'O thou, to whom my person appeared contemptible, Didst not believe in the impetuosity of my valour. A horse with slender girth is of use On the day of battle, not a fattened ox.' It is related that the troops of the enemy were numerous, and that the king's, being few, were about to flee, but that the puny youth raised a shout, saying: 'O men, take care not to put on the garments of women.' These words augmented the rage of the troopers so that they made a unanimous attack and I heard that they gained the victory on the said occasion. The king kissed the head and eyes of his son, took him in his arms and daily augmented his affection till he appointed him to succeed him on the throne. His brothers became envious and placed poison in his food but were perceived by his sister from her apartment, whereon she closed the window violently and the youth, shrewdly guessing the significance of the act, restrained his hands from touching the food, and said: 'It is impossible that men of honour should die, and those who possess none should take their place.' No one goes under the shadow of an owl Even if the homa should disappear from the world. This state of affairs having been brought to the notice of the father, he severely reproved the brothers and assigned to each of them a different, but pleasant, district as a place of exile till the confusion was quelled and the quarrel appeased; and it has been said that ten dervishes may sleep under the same blanket but that one country cannot hold two padshahs. When a pious man eats half a loaf of bread He bestows the other half upon dervishes. If a padshah were to conquer the seven climates He would still in the same way covet another.