


我听到一个因快乐而把黑夜变成白天的国王在他的醉酒中说:“我们在世界上没有比这更令人愉快的时刻了,因为我既不在乎好,也不在乎坏,也不在乎任何人。”一个赤身露体的苦行僧,在寒冷中睡在外面。这时,他说:“啊,世界上没有一个人像你这样幸福。我想,如果你不在乎,我们也不在乎。”国王听了这些漫不经心的话很高兴,从窗口拿出一个装着一千第纳尔的袋子,说:“苦行僧,把裙子摊开。”他回答说:“我没有袍子,从哪里拿裙子来呢?”padshah同情他的无助处境,在他的礼物上加了一件长袍,送给了他,但苦行僧很快就把钱挥霍一空,又回来了。财产不能存于自由之人的手中,耐心不能存于爱人的心中,水不能存于筛子里。在国王心情不好的时候,这个苦行僧的事引起了国王的注意,国王生气了,转过脸去。因此,有人说,聪明而有经验的人应该警惕国王的暴力和专制,因为他们的思想通常被重要的国家事务所占据,所以他们不能忍受一群粗俗的人的纠缠。他将被排除在帕德沙的恩惠之外,因为他不能注意到适当的机会。在你还没有看到说话的机会来临之前,不要用轻率的话语摧毁你的力量。 The king said: "Drive away this impudent and prodigal mendicant who has in so short a time thrown away so much money. He does not know that the Beit-ulmal is intended to offer a morsel to the needy and not to feed the brothers of devils." The fool who burns by day a camphor-light Will soon not have an oil-lamp for the night. One of councillor-veziers said: "My lord, it would seem proper to grant to such persons a sufficient allowance to be drawn from time to time so that they may not squander it. But anger and repulsion, as manifested by thee, are unworthy of a generous disposition as also to encourage a man by kindness and then again to distress him by disappointing his expectation." The door ought not to be opened to applicants so That, when it is ajar, it may not be shut again. Nobody sees the thirsty pilgrims to Hejaz Crowding at the bank of briny water. Wherever a sweet spring happens to be Men, birds and insects flock around it.