


你用好奇的眼光审视着这些城墙,请在这埋葬着汉默骨灰的坟墓前驻足;在你为他的死而哀悼的时候,你却要学习他的美德。他的天才力量在青年时代就随着对知识的渴望和对真理的热爱而燃烧起来;他的学问与各种可爱的艺术结合在一起,使每个人都听得入迷,也赢得了每个人的心。他的祖国把他从好学的阴影中召唤出来;在生命的第一次绽放中,他开始了公众的劳苦,参议员和普通人立即开始了。他办事精明,辩论有力,十年之久,三次为国家效力;在每一个言谈中都洋溢着富有说服力的智慧,在每一个行动中都闪耀着光辉的美德;暂停的派系停止了愤怒和冲突,倾听他的雄辩,赞美他的生活。无可抗拒的优点决定了元老院的选择,他们一致欢呼他为议长。 Illustrious age! how bright thy glories shone, When Hanmer fill'd the chair - and Anne the throne. Then when dark art obscured each fierce debate, When mutual frauds perplex'd the maze of state, The Moderator firmly mild appear'd - Beheld with love - with veneration heard. This task perform'd - he sought no gainful post Nor wish'd to glitter at his country's cost; Strict on the right he fix'd his stedfast eye, With temperate zeal, and wise anxiety; Nor e'er from Virtue's paths was lured aside, To pluck the flowers of pleasure or of pride. Her gifts despis'd, Corruption blush'd and fled, And Fame pursued him where Conviction led. Age call'd, at length, his active mind to rest, With honour sated, and with cares oppress'd; To letter'd ease retired and honest mirth, To rural grandeur, and domestic worth: Delighted still to please mankind, or mend, The patriot's fire yet sparkled in the friend. Calm Conscience then, his former life survey'd, And recollected toils endeared the shade, Till Nature call'd him to the general doom, And Virtue's sorrow dignified his tomb.