

  • 时间1772 - 1834
  • 的地方德文郡
  • 国家英格兰


柯勒律治是一位牧师的儿子。他在伦敦的基督医院接受教育,在那里他与兰姆和利·亨特成为朋友,然后去了剑桥耶稣学院,在那里他没有获得学位。1794年夏,柯勒律治与后来的桂冠诗人索塞成为朋友,并与索塞共同创作了一部诗剧。他们一起制定了一个计划,在新英格兰建立一个泛反社会,一个乌托邦式的社区。他们与姐妹结婚,但计划失败了,他们在金钱和政治上发生了争执。此时的柯勒律治是一个狂热的不墨守成规的人,1796年,他在整个西部地区布道,但决定不成为牧师。1797年,他遇到了威廉·华兹华斯,在接下来的一年半里,他与华兹华斯生活在一起,密切合作,共同创作了《抒情歌谣》。1798年,对英国政治感到失望的柯勒律治前往德国,在那里他学习了康德、席勒和谢林。回国后,他搬到湖区与华兹华斯夫妇住在一起,但他的婚姻失败和对鸦片的依赖日益严重。他也无可救药地爱上了华兹华斯未来的嫂子萨拉·哈钦森,他这一时期爱情诗的灵感来源,并于1807年与妻子分居。 Coleridge failed to restore his health or mental balance and quarrelled irrevocably with Wordsworth in 1810, alienating also Dorothy and Sara, with whom he had been editing a periodical The Friend. Winter 1813-14 brought a rebirth of his religious beliefs and for the first time he openly admitted his opium addiction and sought medical help. In 1816 he lodged in the London household of a young surgeon Dr James Gilman, where he was to remain for the rest of his life. The publication of Christabel in this year assured his reputation as a poet but the end of his life was taken up with religious and philosophical prose works.