Famous Quotes of Poet Sarah Flower Adams

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautifulquotes of Sarah Flower Adams.Our large collection of famousSarah Flower Adams Quotationsand Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Sarah Flower Adams on www.lloydthaxton.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, (Sarah Flower Adams (1805-48), British poet. Nearer, My God, to Thee (l. 8-13). . . Best Loved Religious Poems, The. James Gilchrist Lawson, comp. (1933) Fleming H. Revell Company.)