

  • 时间1842 - 1881
  • 的地方梅肯
  • 国家乔治亚州


“西德尼·拉尼尔”于1842年2月3日出生在佐治亚州的梅肯,父母是罗伯特·桑普森·拉尼尔和玛丽·简·安德森;他的祖先大多是英国人,遥远的法国人在16世纪移民到英国。他在很小的时候就开始演奏长笛,他对这种乐器的热爱贯穿了他的一生。他就读于乔治亚州米利奇维尔附近的奥格尔索普大学,在美国内战爆发前不久以全班第一名的成绩毕业。他参加了南北战争,主要是在弗吉尼亚州的潮汐地区,在那里他在邦联信号兵团服役。后来,他和他的兄弟克利福德在英国封锁线上担任飞行员。在其中一次航行中,有人登上了他的船。他拒绝接受船上英国军官的建议,穿上他们的制服,假装是他们中的一员,他被俘虏了。他被关押在马里兰州瞭望角的军事监狱,在那里他感染了肺结核(当时通常被称为“肺病”)。在他的余生中,他深受这种痛苦的折磨。 In an effort to support Mary and their three sons, he also wrote poetry for magazines. His most famous poems were "Corn" (1875), "The Symphony" (1875), "Centennial Meditation" (1876), "The Song of the Chattahoochee" (1877), "The Marshes of Glynn" (1878), and "Sunrise" (1881). The latter two poems are generally considered his greatest works. They are part of an unfinished set of lyrical nature poems known as the "Hymns of the Marshes", which describe the vast, open salt marshes of Glynn County on the coast of Georgia. There is a historical marker in Brunswick commemorating the writing of "The Marshes of Glynn". The largest bridge in Georgia (as of 2005), a short distance from the marker, is named The Sidney Lanier Bridge. Late in his life, he became a student, lecturer, and, finally, a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, specializing in the works of the English novelists, Shakespeare, the Elizabethan sonneteers, Chaucer, and the Anglo-Saxon poets. He published a series of lectures entitled The English Novel (published posthumously in 1883) and a book entitled The Science of English Verse (1880), in which he developed a novel theory exploring the connections between musical notation and meter in poetry.