


“下降!现在行动起来吧。(该死的雨。)我们沿着散落的村庄溅起水花,来到平坦富饶的乡村,那里被六月染绿了……落日的余晖洒在湿润的庄稼和田地上,闪烁着一片片灿烂的光芒。(《马上收获》,《排队》。)“也许是因为战争?”我将在圣诞节前完成。保持微笑吧,老伙计。在这里吗?s the Canal: it?s dusk; we cross the bridge. `Lead on there, by platoons.? (The Line?s a-glare With shell-fire through the poplars; distant rattle Of rifles and machine-guns.) `Fritz is there! `Christ, ain?t it lively, Sergeant? Is?t a battle?? More rain: the lightning blinks, and thunder rumbles. `There?s over-head artillery!? some chap grumbles. What?s all this mob at the cross-roads? Where are the guides?... `Lead on with number One.? And off they go. `Three minute intervals.? (Poor blundering files, Sweating and blindly burdened; who?s to know If death will catch them in those two dark miles?) More rain. `Lead on, Head-quarters.? (That?s the lot.) `Who?s that?... Oh, Sergeant-Major, don?t get shot! `And tell me, have we won this war or not??