


他从黑夜、霜、雾和没有灯的街道中蹒跚而行:他?他像猪一样狂饮,喝得头昏眼花。现在他来听我说?他也?我想不起这个名字了吗?但他吗?有人给了他一张演出的票,他想?D(打嗝)碰碰运气去。大厅在他的眼前游移,在黑暗的夜晚之后,高耸入云的光芒耀眼夺目。他坐着,眨着眼睛,安全地坐在他的软垫座位上,舔着他的嘴唇;他吗?我要一杯白兰地,不加冰的。“荣耀的王是谁?” they were saying, He pricked his ears; what was it? Were they praying?... By God, it might be Heaven! For singers stood Ranked in pure white; and everyone seemed good; And clergymen were sitting meekly round With joyful faces, drinking in the sound; And holy women, and plump whiskered men. Could this be Heaven? And was he dead? And then They all stood up; the mighty chorus broke In storms of song above those blameless folk; And `Hallelujah, Hallelujah!? rang The burden of the triumph that they sang. He gasped; it must be true; he?d got to Heaven With all his sins that seventy times were seven; And whispering `Hallelujah? mid their shout, He wondered when Lord God would turn him out.