


月光和露珠浸透的花朵,夏日花园的芬芳;这些可以带给你所有的梦,在星光下的寂静中坠落;甜蜜的歌曲充满了气味。昨天晚上,在细雨蒙蒙的黄昏里,我沿着一条小路走着,经过一个肮脏的农场;难闻的气味从牛棚和垃圾堆中传来,再次把我带回了过去被隐藏的战争之梦。在一条凄凉的、散乱的乡村街道上,我看见疲惫的部队在吃力地行进,我听见他们的脚步声。欢快的Q.M.S.在那里会见并指导我们公司……我看着他们踉踉跄跄地走进一间破屋子,累得连抱怨都没有了;我看到他们鱼贯而入,从背后溜出来步枪,装备,背包。他们坐在阴暗肮脏的稻草上,每个人的脸都低垂着,因为他们必须解开打了补丁的湿透的靴子,而风从缝隙和裂缝里吹冷了他们的汗水。第三我吗?m looking at their blistered feet; young Jones Stares up at me, mud-splashed and white and jaded; Out of his eyes the morning light has faded. Old soldiers with three winters in their bones Puff their damp Woodbines, whistle, stretch their toes: They can still grin at me, for each of ?em knows That I?m as tired as they are... Can they guess The secret burden that is always mine?? Pride in their courage; pity for their distress; And burning bitterness That I must take them to the accursèd Line. IV I cannot hear their voices, but I see Dim candles in the barn: they gulp their tea, And soon they?ll sleep like logs. Ten miles away The battle winks and thuds in blundering strife. And I must lead them nearer, day by day, To the foul beast of war that bludgeons life.