


我的劳动,你和我将浪费,我现在开始,结束,因为当这首歌唱完,过去,我的琵琶,安静,因为我已经完成。我的歌必刺透她的心、使她在无耳之处听见。那么我们应该叹息、歌唱还是呻吟呢?不,不,我的琵琶,因为我已经做了。你骄傲地从爱情的枪林弹雨中夺取了淳朴的心灵,你是被他无情地夺去的,别以为他忘记了他的弓,虽然我和我的琵琶已经熄灭了。你的轻蔑将招致报应,你的痛苦不过是一场游戏;不要在阳光下独自思考,不要让你的爱人明白,尽管我和我的琴已经结束了。也许你躺在那寒冷的冬夜,对着月亮徒劳地抱怨;你的愿望就不敢说了。在意谁的名单吧,因为我已经完成了。 And then may chance thee to repent The time that thou hast lost and spnt To cause thy lovers sigh and swoon; Then shalt thou know beauty but lent, And wish and want as I have done. Now cease, my lute, this is the last Labor that thou and I shall waste And ended is that we begun. Now is the song both sung and past; My lute, be still, for I have done.