


阳光灿烂地照耀着肯塔基的老房子,2这是夏天,黑人兴高采烈,3玉米熟了,草地上开满了花,4鸟儿整天唱着歌。年轻人在小木屋的地板上打滚,所有的人都很快乐,所有的人都很幸福,都很聪明;7艰难的时刻传来了敲门声,8然后是我的肯塔基老家,晚安!别再哭泣了,我的夫人,噢!今天别再哭了!我们将唱一首歌,为了古老的肯塔基之家,为了遥远的肯塔基之家。他们不再在草地上、小山上和岸边猎捕负鼠和浣熊,他们不再在月光下歌唱,他们不再在老木屋门边的长凳上歌唱。日子过去了,像阴影笼罩着心田,18一切欢乐都变成了悲伤,19黑人不得不分开的时候到了,20那么,我的肯塔基老家,晚安!别再哭泣了,我的夫人,噢!今天别再哭了!我们将唱一首歌,为了古老的肯塔基之家,为了古老的肯塔基之家,遥远的肯塔基。 25 [Solo] The head must bow and the back will have to bend, 26 Wherever the darkey may go: 27 A few more days, and the trouble all will end 28 In the field where the sugar-canes grow. 29 A few more days for to tote the weary load, 30 No matter 'twill never be light, 31 A few more days till we totter on the road, 32 Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night! 33 [Chorus] Weep no more, my lady, oh! weep no more to-day! 34 We will sing one song 35 For the old Kentucky Home, 36 For the old Kentucky Home, far away.