


我要走到那褐色的山岗,那宁静的山岗,那辽阔、多山、连绵的山岗,那被太阳晒得昏昏欲睡的山岗!我的马嗅着奇怪的风;他开始摇摆地小跑;他的蹄子踏在尘土上。这条路蜿蜒而直,冲出一片沼泽,架起一座桥,然后——又越过山丘。不变,无数,鞠躬巨大,圆背;秘密地,滔滔不绝地交谈着;声音如狂风,硕果累累,丰饶多产,像套着轭的黑牛一样辛勤劳作。云像伟大而缓慢的思想掠过,消失在深蓝色中。我的马疾驰;马鞍吱吱嘎嘎地摇晃着。 A thousand glittering spears of sun slant from on high. The immensity, the spaces, Are like the spaces Between star and star. The hills sleep. If I put my hand on one, I would feel the vast heave of its breath. I would start away before it awakened And shook the world from its shoulders. A cicada's cry deepens the hot silence. The hills open To show a slope of poppies, Ardent, noble, heroic, A flare, a great flame of orange; Giving sleepy, brittle scent That stings the lungs. A creeping wind slips through them like a ferret; they bow and dance, answering Beauty's voice . . . The horse whinnies. I dismount And tie him to the grey worn fence. I set myself against the javelins of grass and sun; And climb the rounded breast, That flows like a sea-wave. The summit crackles with heat, there is no shelter, no hollow from the flagellating glare. I lie down and look at the sky, shading my eyes. My body becomes strange, the sun takes it and changes it, it does not feel, it is like the body of another. The air blazes. The air is diamond. Small noises move among the grass . . . Blackly, A hawk mounts, mounts in the inane Seeking the star-road, Seeking the end . . . But there is no end. Here, in this light, there is no end. . .