


灰色的海鸥掠过海湾,像雪花一样轻柔而静止,抵挡着渐薄的雾。我整天坐着,看着他们来来去去;现在太阳终于落山了,把彩色的火焰填满了波浪,直到每一个都像是从某个沉没的城市里拔地而起的镶满珠宝的尖塔。很快,从山顶、悬崖和尖塔上,城市的灯光开始闪烁,每一个都像一个友好的词。月亮开始扩大她的盾牌,喷出银光。就在前面,褐色的小山躺着,像安静的野兽伸展在一扇可爱的门前,用它们胸脯的平静起伏填满了大地、天空和田野。什么也没有消失,什么也没有改变,最小的波浪没有疏远,自从我最后一次见到它们以来,我的眼睛被泪水弄瞎了。他们的欢迎像山一样巍然屹立:而我,我终于回到了家。于是我和他们一起大声笑了起来,想到现在太阳已经很宽了,爬上了铁的天空,在那里,粗糙的街道阴沉地延伸到另一个房间,我知道,在一所简陋的房子里——不久,铁匠也会打破那扇脆弱的门,发现我躺在地板上。就在那天晚上我跌倒的地方,在那一阵阵的疼痛之后。 -- How they will storm and rage and fight, Servants and mistress, one and all, "No money for the funeral!" I broke my life there. Let it stand At that. The waters are a plain, Heaving and bright on either hand, A tremulous and lustral peace Which shall endure though all things cease, Filling my heart as water fills A cup. There stand the quiet hills. So, waiting for my wings to grow, I watch the gulls sail to and fro, Rising and falling, soft and swift, Drifting along as bubbles drift. And, though I see the face of God Hereafter -- this day have I trod Nearer to Him than I shall tread Ever again. The night is dead. And there's the dawn, poured out like wine Along the dim horizon-line. And from the city comes the chimes -- We have our heaven on earth -- sometimes!