

  • 时间1803 - 1885
  • 的地方
  • 国家加拿大


苏珊娜·穆迪(本名苏珊娜·斯特里克兰)出生于1803年12月6日。她是一位英国作家,写了她在加拿大定居的经历。她是凯瑟琳·帕尔·特雷尔的妹妹,两人都是由父母教育的。她在1822年写了她的第一本儿童读物,并在伦敦出版了其他儿童故事,包括关于斯巴达克斯和Jugurtha的书。在伦敦,她还参与了反奴隶制运动。1831年4月4日,她嫁给了约翰·穆迪,一位曾在拿破仑战争中服役的退休军官。1832年,她与丈夫、女儿和妹妹一起移民到加拿大,来到上加拿大彼得伯勒附近的一个农场,她的哥哥塞缪尔在那里做测量员。她在加拿大继续写作,她的信件和日记包含了殖民地生活的宝贵信息。她观察了当时安大略省边远地区的生活,包括当地习俗、加拿大人与新移民之间的关系、强烈的社区意识和被称为“蜜蜂”的公共工作、气候和野生动物。她经历了1836年的经济萧条,她的丈夫在1837年的上加拿大叛乱中参加了反对威廉·里昂·麦肯齐的民兵。 As an upper class Englishwoman Susanna did not particularly enjoy "the bush," as she called it. She and John moved to Belleville in 1840, which she referred to as "the clearnings." Here she described urban life, including religion, art, and education, especially as compared to relative lack of these things in "the bush." She also learned of the Family Compact and became sympathetic to the moderate reformers led by Robert Baldwin This caused problems for John, who shared her views, but who was also Sheriff of Belleville, and had to work with members and supporters of the Family Compact. In 1852 she published Roughing it in the Bush, detailing her experiences on the farm in the 1830s. In 1853 she published Life in the Clearings, about her time in Belleville. she remained in her cottage in Belleville after her husband's death, and lived to see Canadian Confederation. She died in April 1885. Her books and poetry inspired Margaret Atwood's own collection of poetry, titled The Journals of Susanna Moodie, published in 1970.