


他们第一次来到这里是开着一辆心形的车,现在他们离开时却成了杰出的爵士音乐家。他们穿着全套服装,穿过霓虹灯的冬天向北行进。现在我看着他们在假声月色中离开我。他们在回音室里向我唱着再见,我从我的特大号窗户向他们微笑。你懂的。我总是给别人让路。现在,像吸了一口气,我发狂了。他们告诉我,上帝就在我们心中,我告诉他们,我们的父亲因恐惧而牙齿发白。我过去从窗口看到的街道已经消失了。我过去常在树上听到的鸟叫声,在灾祸的日子里都落下来了。 The beautiful girls who used to wear skintight silver foil now dress in ugly shoes with big square tongues. And the immaculate boys in their red velour are old men who rock their bodies back and forth in grief. But I take comfort in a dreamlike kind of consciousness in which every breath is like my last breath and all my friends are quiet as brides skirting along on sheets of ice.