


亲爱的年轻人,你来了吗?两天两夜!(被爱燃烧的人,一天就老了。)苹果多甜,damson粗Excel;春天的盛开,冬天的粗鲁;在羊毛中,羊有羊羔;甜蜜的少女,结过三次婚的女人;小鹿敏捷地追赶小牛;羽翼柔美的夜莺在歌唱——多么渴望你的光临,使我的心灵欢欣鼓舞。我匆匆奔向你,像匆匆奔向阴凉的山毛榉,旅行者,当太阳从天顶炙烤时。 May our love be strong, To all hereafter times the theme of song! 'Two men each other loved to that degree, That either friend did in the other see A dearer than himself. They loved of old Both golden natures in an age of gold. O father Zeus! ageless immortals all! Two hundred ages hence may one recall, Down-coming to the irremeable river, This to my mind, and this good news deliver: 'E'en now from east to west, from north to south, Your mutual friendship lives in every mouth' This, as they please, th' Olympians will decide: Of thee, by blooming virtue beautified, My glowing song shall only truth disclose; With falsehood's pustules I'll not shame my nose. If thou dost sometime grieve me, sweet the pleasure Of reconcilement, joy in double measure To find thou never didst intend the pain, And feel myself from all doubt free again. And ye Megarians, at Nesaea dwelling, Expert at rowing, mariners excelling, Be happy ever! for with honors due Th' Athenian Diocles, to friendship true Ye celebrate. With the first blush of spring The youth surround his tomb: there who shall bring The sweetest kiss. whose lip is Purest found, Back to his mother goes with garlands crowned. Nice touch the arbiter must have indeed, And must, methinks, the blue-eyed Ganymede Invoke with many prayers-a mouth to own True to the touch of lips, as Lydian stone To proof of gold-which test will instant show The pure or base. as money changers know."