

  • 时间1817 - 1888
  • 的地方
  • 国家德国


西奥多·沃尔德森·斯道姆,著名诗人和作家,1817年9月14日出生在德国胡苏姆。他于1842年成为一名律师,但由于亲普鲁士的情绪而被丹麦流放(1853-64)。直到1864年,他才得以回到胡苏姆,并于1874年成为上诉法院的法官。早在1843年,他就以浪漫主义派抒情诗人的身份而闻名于世,但直到1849年,他才以短篇小说作家的身份在文坛上崭露头角。这部作品被斯托姆自己称为“德国诗歌之珠”(Perle deutscher Poesie),到他去世时,已经出版了30多个版本,被翻译成17种语言。但是,除了被西奥多·方檀和保罗·海塞等当时的文学巨著称为杰作之外,《无边》也受到了一些批评,认为它仅仅是一个伤感的爱情故事。然后,在20世纪30年代和40年代,斯托姆的中篇小说被右翼评论家视为合适的国家社会主义读物,这在1945年之后很长一段时间内玷污了它的声誉。20世纪60年代以来,伊门西在评论界的声誉得到了恢复,人们从马克思主义和民主人道主义等多种角度对小说和斯托姆本人进行了分析。斯托姆的文学作品是基于个人经历而非政治态度。他在柏林与文学俱乐部“Der Tunnel Uber Der Spree”的交往,尤其是与西奥多·方檀(Theodor Fontane)的交往,强化了他的北方个人主义,但也刺激了他作为作家的发展。 His strong personality was nurtured by his profoundly emotional sensibility and an increasing scepticism, which inclined him to determinism. Theodor Storm's life-long interest in writing fairy tales found its most consummate expression in 1863 with the writing of The Rainmaiden ("Die Regentrude"). The story of a young girl who enters a subterranean realm in order to awaken the sleeping rainmaiden and to revive a drought stricken countryside is a metaphor for Storm's own descent into the realm of his subconscious in order to activate his slumbering creative powers. The last and greatest of his works was The Rider on the White Horse. In this masterpiece, Storm exhibits a man's will in conflict. On one side, with unintelligent conservatism among his fellowmen and, on the other, with the forces of nature. The figure of the dike-master emerges from the double struggle with a fine impressiveness; and the tragedy which finally engulfs him and his family is profoundly moving. At the same time we are given a vivid picture of the landscape of the low-lying coast of the North Sea, with the ever-present menace of the flood tide; and the sternness of the action is tempered with glimpses of humor and a picture of warm affection. Here Storm's art reached a pitch which places him beside the masters of the short novel. Storm died of cancer July 4, 1888 in Hademarschen.