


“当然,”我说,“我们不能指望在任何人身上找到我们要找的东西;它们也许会发光,但不是太阳,这里的鹅卵石,那一点苹果皮。然而,是高山的阳光让它们燃烧,而我们所寻找的,是我们每个人都能反射出的一些间接的闪光,当我们转身时,它就会照亮我们。”她斜着头看了看,说:“你怎么了!”石头和皮,它们的光芒消失了。这是一层我们必须冲破的又硬又干的栅栏,是包围着生命的死寂。我不能使那块鹅卵石发光。它的明晰必须将阳光带向自己,证明它是真实的。是我们的幼稚,用过去的鳞片堆砌成现在的言语,以致太阳的白手指照不到大人的三棱镜。你的话永不止息吗?她说着,在黑暗中坐了下来。“但是我们用语言,我们不能咕哝或吠叫,用任何更可靠的方法让那最初的锐利的光芒透过破损的玻璃再次出现,”我喊道,“可是你能听见吗?"很好,你用不着喊。" I felt the thirst Coil back into my body till it shook, And, 'Are you cold?' she said, then ceased to look And picked a bit of cotton from her dress. Out in the square a child began to cry, What was not said buzzed round us like a fly. I knew quite well that silence was my cue, But jabbered out, 'This meeting place we need, If we can't find it, still the desire may feed And strengthen on the acts it cannot do. By suffered depredations we may grow To bear our energies just strong enough, And at the last through perdurable stuff A little of their radiance may show: I f we keep still.' Then she, 'It's getting late.' A waiter came and took away a plate. Then from the darkness an accordion; 'These pauses, love, perhaps in them, made free, Life slips out of its gross machinery, And turns upon itself in unison.' It was quite dark now you must understand And something of a red mouth on a wall Joined with the music and the alcohol And pushed me to the fingers of her hand. Well, there it was, itself and quite complete, Accountable, small bones there were and meat. It did not press on mine or shrink away, And, since no outgone need can long invest Oblivion with a living interest, I drew back and had no more words to say. Outside the streets were like us and quite dead. Yet anything more suited to my will, I can't imagine, than our very still Return to no place; As the darkness shed Increasing whiteness on the far icefall, A growth of light there was; and that is all.