


当我们走在生命的疲惫的旅途上,带着忧虑和悲伤的重担,在布满泪水的道路上,艰难地走过岁月的流逝。假如我们的心在一时的狂喜中浮起,当我们向欢乐的时光“告别”时,我们不过又增添了一份忧伤。我注视着明亮的黎明苏醒,注意着每一道变化的光,就像太阳,在它清晨的光辉中,驱散了夜晚的黑暗。我欢迎它明亮的光线,悄悄掠过山顶、树林和山谷;然而,当我向明亮的星星说“再见”时,我的喜悦中夹杂着悲伤。我曾看见红日落向它在光辉灿烂的西方的家,而大自然颤抖的声音也被庄严地安抚下来。我欢迎星星的出现,一颗接一颗地迎接它们,然而,我的问候带着忧伤,就像我对太阳说“再见”。当我们迎接夏天的阳光,告别春天的花朵。再见了,秋天的果实,我们欢迎霜冻的国王。再见了童年的欢乐,当蓬勃的青春出现; Then - a season of strife and turmoil, And - farewell to the vanished years. I am sighing a farewell message, As I sit in the gathering gloom. Farewell to all earthly sorrows, Then - rest, in the silent tomb. Farewell to the trees, and flowers, To mountain, and stream, and dell, Farewell to the glorious sunlight, To the moon and stars, "Farewell"