


有大患难的人,我不怜恤。这在任何方面都是伟大的,并暗示着更大的国家,尽管只是在阴影的阴影中,上帝没有!而且,当我们在等待可能性的时候,这个人已经触及了事实,他一直在探索,直到他摸到了核心,在那里,包裹在皱巴巴的皱褶里,居住着讽刺的疾病。当我们其他人啜饮着显而易见的甜蜜时?舔嘴唇的回味,看!这人行事匆忙,按住了中间座位的刺。因为神就是这样把我们刺入生命,从肉体系统中激发真正的灵魂,赐给我们属于他的两极,而不仅仅是平衡的斗争。不,伟大的激情是他最真实的思想,谁能吸收,不抱怨,踌躇,破坏他们的球体,在他身上,上帝的心是最充分的。这样的人三倍幸福!另一个人在大漩涡的边缘徘徊,紧抓着一株特别好的莎草,一个胆怯的摩尼教徒; Who takes the impact of a long-breathed force, And fritters it away In eddies of disgust, that else might stay His nerveless heart, and fix it to the course. For there is threefold oneness with the One; And he is one, who keeps The homely laws of life; who, if he sleeps, Or wakes, in his true flesh God?s will is done. And he is one, who takes the deathless forms, Who schools himself to think With the All-thinking, holding fast the link, God-riveted, that bridges casual storms. But tenfold one is he, who feels all pains Not partial, knowing them As ripples parted from the gold-beaked stem, Wherewith God?s galley onward ever strains. To him the sorrows are the tension-thrills Of that serene endeavour, Which yields to God for ever and for ever The joy that is more ancient than the hills.