


因为,正如中间派和狂热派的主所说的那样,和平和欢乐是我所憎恶的;让每个星期天都充满忧郁和痛苦,因为他太可怜了,无法得到他的关怀;由于迄今为止的法律对穷人的压榨还不够,因此由下议院、国王和上议院颁布,除富人外,任何阶层在安息日做任何事都是犯罪。不准喝啤酒,不准吃饭,不准休息,不准外出,每所房子都要变成礼拜天的监牢;密探和狱卒必须仔细观察,严惩不怠,每天三次敲钟,除了召集外,谁也不许动。每一个敢于乘坐轮船、飞机或舞台的病态城市,其所有者将根据上述法案,受到罚款、监禁或跑步机的惩罚。但这里并不是要阻止牧师,贵族或乡绅使用他的马车。不管风刮得多猛,船都不会移动,魔鬼会说船会走,不管风让不让;风和天气是我们无法监禁的,船主、船长和水手们,我们要抓住他们,而牛、羊羔和绵羊在路上和小路上爬行,公鸡、母鸡、鸭子和鹅在星期天也不会安静下来,如果不是绅士或牧师的动物,就在星期天被抓住,鞭打,鞭打,星期一卖掉以支付费用。以前付五先令的醉汉,现在要多付二十先令;我的主人,如果他在安息日敢打开门闩,就要被罚款,他的执照也会被吊销。 All oranges, cakes & lollypop Shall be sized; & every open shop Shall be fined a pound an hour till it stop. Till nine the milkman may ply his trade, For pious breakfasts must be made At he risk of his soul. And the bakers at last, When the poor man's dinner is clearly past, Must set to work, the godly scorning Stale rolls and bread on a Monday morning. That Justices may have less to do, 'Tis enacted they may convict on view, And shall, if they think the couse more drastic Transfer to Courts Ecclesiastic. All informers shall pass scot free, However false their averments may be; And witnesses who have no mind To convict shall be imprisoned and fined. And whereas from this act's operation Are exempted the following ranks in this nation: The rich man's servants---they cannot be spared (In spite of Scripture) from working hard---; Milkmen in the morning; at evening the bakers, With constables, doctors, thieves, parsons, tollmakers; And parties for music, gambling or dinners Are hereby exempt, when the rich are the sinners; For no party whatever has aught to fear From said act who has more than £500 a year.