


博学而快乐的无知使我远离了所有的虚荣,远离了所有的懒惰、烦恼、痛苦和悲伤,它们助长了人类的疯狂和痛苦。没有错误,没有分心,我看到泥土的地球,或乌云笼罩的天空。我不知道有蛇的毒刺,它的毒洒在人身上,遍布世界;我也没有梦想过像罪恶这样的事,使人死在其中。对我来说,它们都是鲜活的、鲜活的、纯洁的、不朽的。快乐、快乐、美丽、善良、光荣、爱、睡眠、白昼、生命、光明、和平、旋律、我的眼睛、我的耳朵和我的心都充满了自由地移动。我所看见的一切都使我高兴。那时的宇宙是一个宝藏的世界,对我来说是一个快乐的世界。不受欢迎的忏悔在那时是不为人知的,无用的昂贵的玩具,咒骂和咆哮的男孩,商店,市场,酒馆,马车,都没有出现;所有的一切都淹没了我的欢乐:没有荆棘堵塞我的道路,没有遮蔽幸福和美丽的面容,没有遮蔽这个地方。 Only what Adam in his first estate, Did I behold; Hard silver and dry gold As yet lay under ground; my blessed fate Was more acquainted with the old And innocent delights which he did see In his original simplicity. Those things which first his Eden did adorn, My infancy Did crown. Simplicity Was my protection when I first was born. Mine eyes those treasures first did see Which God first made. The first effects of love My first enjoyments upon earth did prove; And were so great, and so divine, so pure; So fair and sweet, So true; when I did meet Them here at first, they did my soul allure, And drew away my infant feet Quite from the works of men; that I might see The glorious wonders of the Deity.