


国外传来消息,仿佛我的财宝和欢乐都躺在那里;它使我的心剧烈地燃烧着,它常常把我的灵魂呼唤到我的耳边;它去迎接那渐近的甜蜜,站在门槛上招待那隐秘的善;它盘旋在那里,仿佛要离开我的耳朵,它是如此热切地拥抱我所期待的消息,当它们到来时,它可以改变它的住所来迎接名声的声音。仿佛是新的消息构成了我所希望的未知的宝藏,或者是把它们挂在翅膀上,它们带着那么多的喜悦,带着那么多的快乐来了,我的灵魂站在门口,用幸福来重新创造自己,祈求它更快的到来;我的心,仿佛要出去相会,却又要留在心里,找个地方招待,把消息带进来。是什么神圣的本能,在我的童年时代激发了我如此强烈的希望?是什么神秘的力量激发了我的欲望,让我在如此年轻的时候,期待我的快乐在海外?我知道费利西蒂在我的视线之外;当我独自一人离开时,我以为所有的幸福都从地球上消失了; for this I long'd for absent bliss, Deeming that sure beyond the seas, Or else in something near at hand Which I knew not, since nought did please I knew, my bliss did stand. But little did the infant dream That all the treasures of the world were by, And that himself was so the cream And crown of all which round about did lie. Yet thus it was! The gem, The diadem, The ring enclosing all That stood upon this earthen ball; The heav'nly eye, Much wider than the sky, Wherein they all included were; The love, the soul, that was the king Made to possess them, did appear A very little thing.